Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Last year my sister did a program through the Government of Canada called the Explorer program. It is where a student goes to another province to either learn french or english. Since my sister was adept at speaking english she went to Quebec for six weeks during the summer and studied french. She had a fabulous time!

Once she came back I went to my GM at my office and began speaking to him about what my sister had done and how she suggested that I do the same program. Now I am too old for the program through the government but I can still go and study at Laval for six weeks during the spring or summer. The GM turned to me and said to me; "Well you know...we have subsuppliers in Quebec and it would be nice to have someone else in the office that speaks french other than me!" I promptly volunteered!

I spoke french since I was small and went to a french immersion school (all the way up to high school) before entering an english high school...That in itself was a culture shock and I had to relearn my math, sciences, social studies and history in english. Math may be a universal language but when you learn it in a specific language (i.e. french) it is difficult to relearn it in english.

I am leaving on May 5th or 6th and I couldn't be more excited about it! I am taking the plane to Ottawa and then taking the train to Quebec City. I am so excited about using my french language skills...other than my dad and my grandmother I haven't really used my french with anyone else...perhaps the only other being my GM.

I hope to stay in Ottawa for a couple of days before heading to Quebec City...collecting postcards along the way for all my postcard trading friends and for myself. I have never been to Ottawa before and I can't wait to see Parliament! You know...I used to want to be a politician...but I am not a good liar or a cheater...therefore I chose a different career path.

What adventures await me? I promise to keep everyone posted...and update my blog often...more to come later! Work is calling me back to reality today.

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