Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Avobath Bath Bomb

I tried this bath bomb on Tuesday night. It smells very citrusy and no wonder! It has lemongrass and avocado. After having a 'day' at work and dealing with traffic on the highway I needed a relaxing bath and I figured that I would try this bath bomb.
It isn't the longest lasting bath bomb that I have used but it didn't disintergrate very quickly either. I think I will put it somewhere in the middle for longevity.
Avobath made my bath water a pretty green and made my skin feel very soft.

This bath bomb is definately on my list of 'buy it again'.


  1. I've been wanting to try a "bath bomb" but I want one that can be used in the shower ... I think they disintegrate a bit quicker and are a little more about aroma than skin softening.

  2. Lush has an item called the place it in the bottom of your shower and when the water hits it the essential oils mingle with the steam. They are amazing!! You have given me an idea for my next blog entry!
