Monday, February 7, 2011

The Snowstorm I Woke Up To...

The snow started to fly last night around 830. The radio said it started to fly around 11pm, ha! If you looked out my window you could plainly see that it was most definately flying before I went to bed!

I woke up at 230 thinking that DH. was coming home from work at 2 since he started at 10 but I forgot that he wasn't done until 4 this morning...and 5am for the rest of the week. Needless to stay when I looked outside my bedroom window to see if the car was sitting in the parking stall all I could see was snow...and it was still flying around.

Sighing I got up to let the dogs out and grabbed the phone in case DH. told me he was stuck at work because of the snow, I tried to go back to sleep. I heard him come home around 4 am and breathed a sigh of relief that he didn't get stuck somewhere. (The snow plows are notorious for not cleaning the streets until well after the snow falls).

When my alarm went off at 5 am I waited for the traffic reports to come on and DH. came upstairs to also report how nasty the roads were and to see if I was willing to take the bus. It never is a problem taking the bus unless it is -30C and my lungs decide to revolt against me. I quickly got ready and left the house around 530.

As soon as I started walking I debated turning around to grab my snow shoes. The snow was half way up to my knees!! Even Mr. Cottontail that resides in my complex had trouble with the amount of snow that had fallen overnight! I trudged to the bus stop and only had to wait a couple of minutes for the bus (because it took me so long to get there!!) and gladly got on the warm bus.

Making a quick connection downtown I made it to work at about 630. I called DH. to let him know that I made it safe and sound and to let him know the snow almost went past my boots! He didn't sound surprised, frankly, I shouldn't of been either! I am not looking forward to when the wind picks up the snow and blows it all over the place...its deep enough already!

I know! I know! I am talking like I have never seen a snowfall before in my life! Of course I know what a major snowfall looks like...I was in fact trying to be optimistic even with the snowfall warning that was issued for my area that it would completely bypass has happened on more than one occasion.

It just so happens that I love the snow! I love walking through it when it is dark and it is still falling, the world around me seems so quiet, it seems magical. Or even walking through virgin snow (which I was able to do this morning). I like walking the dogs through it and going to the mailbox to drop off some postcards and letters off to my friends around the world. It would be a perfect day to stay home, snuggle under a blanket and write out some postcards and letters, take them out to the mailbox and once I return have a cup of hot chocolate!

I think it is time for a much needed cup of tea...the travel mug of mocha that DH gave him lasted me to my connection bus and I am once again cold.

A nice hot cup of tea is calling my name...

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